Sunday, 9 March 2014


What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Through feedback from our audience, it allowed my group and I to see the flaws of our own work through the perception of the audience. Due to our audience giving us their real thoughts, it gave us the advantage to see what really needed altering in our work, for example with our strap lines they felt that it did not fit with the narrative that was portrayed in the trailer so therefore they could not understand; because we knew exactly what we need to be seen in our trailer and we knew the narrative very well, it was initally difficult to see what needed changing. In order for us to make changes we had to view our trailer from another perception; for example watching over the trailer always keeping in mind that we needed to see this in the audience’s perspective so that it would be clear for them who are oblivious to narrative already. That was good because we could then see where we were going wrong so as a result it was easier for us to make changes to the trailer for the narrative to make sense to the audience.

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This video is our target audience giving us feedback on our trailer. This is proof of their real reactions to our work. Along side letting know about their favourite part of the trailer, which was the stab at the end of the trailer. This therefore showed that we succeed in our aim of frightening our audience with a sudden shock of something unexpected. Also one member mentioned that they found the trailer appealing because they felt it featured "elements that make you wonder what happened next" which was great feedback, letting us know that as media practitioners we kept that level of curiousness that held onto their attention.

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